World Water Day 2021: MEDREC fostering the Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG) through innovative projects

World Water Day 2021: MEDREC fostering the Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG) through innovative projects

22 March, 2021

Being aware of the importance of water resource and the challenges that we are facing, for their preservation, MEDREC has been working, since 2018, on  the implementation of projects targeting the valorization of water resources and the promotion of  sustainable land management systems. 

For instance, REFAT  (Renewable Energies for Agricultural and Rural Development in Tunisia), is a project  which has been implemented by MEDREC since 2018, and aims at promoting renewable energies and sustainable water management for agriculture and at implementing drinking water photovoltaic distribution systems in the following rural areas: Sousse, Kairouan, Gafsa, Sidi Bouzid, Kasserine and Gabes.

Moreover, with the aim to achieve sustainability in the agriculture sector, MEDREC selected a number of target regions in Tunisia to host innovative actions enabling to achieve sustainable development goals in the framework of ICAPT (Implementing Climate-smart Agriculture Practices in Tunisia) project. This project, which started in February 2021, aims at implementing effective and sustainable solutions to optimize land use with maximum water-value return and low-energy practices in the public irrigated perimeters downstream to Nebhana dam

Furthermore, in the framework of EauSIRIS ( New strategy for water (Eaux) and Soil management and Implementation of green technologies for climate change reSilient AgRIculture) project led  by MEDREC, and which will start at end of the year 2021, it is foreseen to address the following topics: :

  • Securing and diversifying water resources at small and medium scales;
  • Conserving soil and adapting measures to extreme weather conditions;
  • Using smart agriculture techniques and  Renewable Energies for the rationalization of water and energy consumption.

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