Technical workshop: Planning of future activities to strengthen the collaboration between ANME & MEDREC

Technical workshop: Planning of future activities to strengthen the collaboration between ANME & MEDREC

25 February, 2021

The Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre (MEDREC), in collaboration with the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME), organized a workshop on “Planning of future activities to strengthen the collaboration between ANME & MEDREC” on February 25, 2021.

The directors of MEDREC presented, during a plenary opening session, the activities developed within the Center over the last two years, in particular REFAT and ICAPT projects which are implemented within the framework of a technical agreement between the Italian Ministry of Environment and the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, as well as Med-EcoSuRe and EauSIRIS projects funded within the framework of cross-border cooperation (ENI CBC programme)

In a second session, round tables were setup in order to identify the possible bases of collaboration and the priority actions to be jointly developed in the upcoming months.

Here below are some actions drawn during this workshop and which will be carried out jointly by the two institutions:

  1. Joint participation in calls for projects at regional and international levels;
  2. Development of a fundraising action plan in the fields of renewable energies and energy efficiency;
  3. Export of know how and of technical expertise of ANME engineers, to provide training programs in Africa;
  4. Creation of a center of excellence which will play the role of a platform for technological development and R&D in the fields of renewable energies and energy efficiency.

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