Med-EcoSuRe team joins forces with university managers to launch the buildings renovation process in Tunisia

Med-EcoSuRe team joins forces with university managers to launch the buildings renovation process in Tunisia

14 February, 2020

On February 13th 2020, the Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre (MEDREC) organized a technical meeting with ENIT (National Engineering School of Tunis) team, partner of the Med-EcoSuRe project, and with the university managers in order to identify the most suitable retrofitting measures to be implemented in the university buildings.

The meeting included discussions about the importance of building maintenance, and it has been decided to create a database of maintenance technicians in all universities in Tunisia, with the aim of actively involving them in the renovation process.

The energy audit has been performed as well at ENIT in order to investigate the behavior and the overall energy consumption of the buildings. Once this task is accomplished, the team will be able to define a final list of energy conservation measures to be implemented.

The technical meeting ended with a visit to all the pilot sites at ENIT which are:

The administrative building

One laboratory at the Energy Engineering Department

One laboratory at the Electrical Engineering Department

A classrooms block

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