MED BeX.Live webinar series wrap up: cost-effective energy efficiency and high-tech renewables in isolated zones

MED BeX.Live webinar series wrap up: cost-effective energy efficiency and high-tech renewables in isolated zones

28 July, 2020

The final MED BeX.Live webinar will be hosted by SOLARTYS (Spanish association for the internationalization and innovation of solar companies) and University of Seville, partners of Med-EcoSuRe. The event will take place on the 28th of July 2020 from 10:00 to 12:00 CET 

Topic: How can cost -effective energy efficiency and high-tech renewables take place in isolated zones/towns? 

Target audience

Energy managers and technicians from solar companies.

Decision-makers/managers of energy efficiency in public buildings.

Professors and students interested in effective energy efficiency and high-tech renewals.

Key Actors in the (experts, auditors, manufacturers, architects, etc.) with activities related to energy management in buildings.

Invited speakers

Prof. George E. Georghiou from the University of Cyprus, will be participating to the webinar to share their experience and present Berlin Project which is closely related to de MedEcosure project.
Ms. Marilena Lazopoulou, Mini-grid Specialist in TTA (Trama Tecnoambiental) and Mr. Miquel de la Mano, Technical expert in Prosume Solutions are invited as well to share their expertise in the high-tech Renewable field.

 The webinar agenda is available