Spotlight on Med-EcoSuRe renovation actions for sustainable green buildings during the EU Sustainable Energy Week

Spotlight on Med-EcoSuRe renovation actions for sustainable green buildings during the EU Sustainable Energy Week

6 October, 2022

Med-EcoSuRe project was invited to participate in a policy conference and an Energy fair exhibition organized by the ENI CBC MED programme during the EU Energy Sustainable Week 2022 (EUSEW2022) held from 26-30 September 2022 in Brussels.

The event was a great opportunity to shed the light on the achievements of Med-EcoSuRe so far including the actions implemented to make the university buildings more resilient and sustainable.

The participation in the event was through:

1)  The presentation of three pilot actions, through videos and live interactions, during a policy conference entitled “Energy Efficiency and renewable energies to drive building energy performance: local examples from the Mediterranean regions”:

  • Tunisia : A micro-grid platform powered by Photovoltaic panels for energy generation and trading. The platform allows to emulate the energy management and exchange of electricity among four “houses” in a research laboratory at the National Engineering School of Tunis
  • Palestine : A solar tree based on transparent Photovoltaic technology at An Najah National University,  enabling to charge 100 electrical devices, including computers, mobile phones, wheelchairs, and lighting 20 LED lamps, with the possibility of controlling the time periods of their lighting during the night.
  • Italy: Experimentation of an innovative process for EE and environmental quality in historical building through the development of Digital Twin (virtual representation of the physical building) to improve the whole renovation process, from the definition of a reliable knowledge framework of the existing building to an advanced post-management experience.

2)  Showcasing all the project achievements during the Energy Fair while making available a number of printed material (leaflets, posters…) as well as photos and videos that were displayed in the stand dedicated to ENI CBC MED programme.

3)  Participation in a testimonial session on “Youth for a new energy generation”, where the experience and perspective of Souha Ferchichi (technical expert and a researcher from the Mediterraenan Renewable Energy Centre) on the importance of career paths in the energy sector were shared.


Watch the full session of the policy conference HERE (from 1:02:36 - End)

Click HERE to watch the video coverage of the whole participation of Med-EcoSuRe in the event

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