Signature of the contract with the construction company responsible for landscaping the sites of the 10 photovoltaic water-pumping stations

Signature of the contract with the construction company responsible for landscaping the sites of the 10 photovoltaic water-pumping stations

24 February, 2021

On February 24th, the manager of the company SGTP “Société des Grands Travaux Publics”, was invited to MEDREC in order to sign the contract to start the proceedings for landscaping the 10 sites of the photovoltaic water pumping installations planned in the framework of the REFAT project.

Ten pilot sites located in REFAT target regions: Gafsa, Sidi Bouzid, Kasserine, Kairouan and Sousse, were chosen by the Tunisian ministry of agriculture to benefit from these photovoltaic installations, based on a shortlist delivered by MEDREC technical experts who were in charge of visiting the pilot sites and dimensioning the water pumping systems.

One of the main outputs of these 10 pilot installations will be to avoid the direct emission of 2668 Tons of CO2.

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