Signature of a collaboration agreement between MEDREC and the  National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT)

Signature of a collaboration agreement between MEDREC and the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT)

12 April, 2021

A synergy agreement was signed on April 12,2021, at the premises of The National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT), between MEDREC, represented by its Co-Directors Mr Marco POLVERARI and Mr Hassen EL AGREBI and INAT, represented by its General Director Mr Faysal BEN JEDDI. 

This agreement represents one specific action, among others planned within the framework of of a partnership agreement, between MEDREC and the Institution for Agricultural Research and Higher Education (IRESA),  with the aim  to strengthen the common efforts of both parties to support sustainable development and climate change initiatives. 

INAT (The National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia) and MEDREC (The Mediterranean Center for Renewable Energies) agreed to sign a close synergy convention which will allow them to join their efforts for mutual assistance, exchange of information and joint participation in cooperation projects' activities.

The synergy agreement defines the axes of collaboration between MEDREC and INAT including:

  • Mutual assistance in the technical implementation of cooperation projects;
  • Assistance in the administrative and financial management of cooperation projects;
  • Exchange of best practices and and know-how;
  • Dissemination of cooperation projects results.

The actions to be carried out jointly by MEDREC and INAT in the framework of this agreement will allow to unify the expertise and know-how and ensure an efficient implementation of future common actions. 

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