The managing authority of the Italy-Tunisia cross-border cooperation program, of the European Neighborhood Instrument, announced that project EauSIRIS – “Nouvelle Stratégie de gestion des Eaux, des Sols et Implémentation des technologies vertes pour une agRIculture réSiliente aux changements climatique” - for whom MEDREC is the lead applicant, was selected for funding!
Addressing the thematic objective "environment protection and climate change adaptation" of the strategic call for projects of the Italy-Tunisia 2014-2020 program, EauSIRIS brings together key actors from Sicily and Tunisia who will joint efforts to design and implement a new multidimensional and effective strategy for a sustainable agriculture, resilient to climate change and less energy demanding.
Pilot actions of the EauSIRIS project will first target selected hill lakes that will be upgraded. Local authorities and communities will benefit from capacity building programs for the optimal management and use of hill lake resources to promote a local green economy.
The project will then target farmers directly through various training programs as well as the implementation of several demonstration farms promoting all the good practices and innovative solutions introduced by the EauSIRIS strategy.
Project partners:
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