Med-EcoSuRe launches an online training course on the evaluation of energy performance of existing university buildings

Med-EcoSuRe launches an online training course on the evaluation of energy performance of existing university buildings

22 October, 2020

Med-EcoSuRe launched, on the 22nd of October 2022, an online course on the evaluation of energy performance of existing university buildings for under and post graduate students. The course is developed and conducted by the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design at the University of Campania-Italy, and involves students from the National Engineering School of Tunis (Tunisia), An Najah National University (Palestine) and University of Campania (Italy)

The first online lesson included an overview of the course which will be structured as follows:

Theoretical lessons on the evaluation of the energy performance of existing university buildings, with the aim to illustrate a design methodology of energy efficient and effective redevelopment; 

Workshops in which students will carry out a graphic analysis and case studies on MedEcoSuRe’s pilot sites. During the workshop the groups of students will be guided by the teachers in the evaluation of the energy performance of the envelope and efficient technological solutions.

The online course will start by presenting regulatory references and basic concepts of energy management of university buildings, with the aim to propose, by the end of the training, actions to improve the performance of the thermal systems and decrease their energy consumption.

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