Med-EcoSuRe launches an online platform for knowledge transfer on the energy renovation of buildings in the Mediterranean

Med-EcoSuRe launches an online platform for knowledge transfer on the energy renovation of buildings in the Mediterranean

14 December, 2022

The online platform created is the “agora” that allows the rapprochement and the dialogue between all the actors concerned by the university building energy efficiency and to facilitate the cooperation and co-creation in the Living Lab community. The platform ensures the gathering of information among partners, the transfer of knowledge and best practices, and the cooperation and co-creation among the Living Lab stakeholders to produce research

The collaborative digital platform allows to:

  • Create exchanges between all the registered actors and facilitate the emergence of new projects (industrial, research, etc.)
  • Create cross-border working teams around specific projects,
  • Include further services such as personalized support for companies aimed to promote technology integration...

The online platform includes:

  • A  presentation of the Cross Border Living Lab established within Med-EcoSuRe, its objectives, structure and members;
  • The toolkits developed to design, plan and monitor energy renovation measures:
  • A Toolkit of Passive Solutions Design for Higher Education Buildings Retrofitting
  • A Decision aid tool for the evaluation of optimal renovation measures
  • Simplified calculation tools for the evaluation of energy consumption
  • Real Monitoring of the demonstration actions implemented
  • A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section to provide a common space for stakeholders of the project to interact and exchange knowledge and best practices

Furthermore, as Med-EcoSuRe has been selected for capitalization in the framework of SEACAP4SDG project, the online platform was also scaled up to showcase the results of the support mechanism proposed to reduce the energy consumption of public buildings, and to increase the capacity of the territories and key actors, to adopt measures to reduce their energy impact in the medium term.

Click HERE to access the online platform

Check the platform tour video HERE

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