Contract signature for launching the Diagnostic Study in the PIPs of the downstream zone of Nebhana dam

Contract signature for launching the Diagnostic Study in the PIPs of the downstream zone of Nebhana dam

7 January, 2022

Aiming to achieve the planned results of ICAPT activities, a call for tenders N°ICT04/2021 « Diagnostic study of the Public Irrigated Perimeters (PIPs) in the downstream zone of Nebhana dam » was launched by MEDREC. The objective of the call for tenders is the selection of a consulting firm for the realization of a Participative Diagnosis in the Public Irrigated Perimeters of the downstream zone of the Nebhana dam. It is a method of local actors participation targeting to achieve a rapid and relevant analysis of these PIPs and to identify the concrete problems related to the resources "water and soil", in particular the irrigation system and the agricultural cultivation. 

The successful bidder of this call for tenders is the consulting firm, AGER, that was selected after financial and technical evaluation of the received offers. AGER is represented by its CEO Mr. Abdallah Adlène ARDHAOUI, who was invited to MEDREC’s premises, on December 10th to sign the contract and officially start his mission. 

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